Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July 29, 2008

Hey Everyone-

Today was my last T-ball game. My coach did coach pitch tonight. I hit a ball straight at 1st base. I like to play when the coach pitches better than using the T. When the game was over we got trophies. Mommy and Daddy took me to Dairy Queen as a special treat. I had a strawberry cheesequake blizzard. They are my favorite. Ian had a huge brownie sundae thing. Man you should have seen him eat that whole thing.

Soccer starts in a couple of weeks. I can't wait to see all of my friends again. Mommy says the roster shows that our whole team is back together again. Coach Eamon is awesome. All 8 of us girls have been together now for almost 2 years.

Did I tell you how excited I am for school to start? I cannot wait. I think I am going to get my backpack and lunch kit this week. I am going to get a Hannah Montana one. It's purple and really cool looking. The lunchbox is shaped like a guitar.

Miss Beth came to see Gavin today. We showed her the horses in the back yard while she was here. She thought they were pretty and couldn't believe how close they were to our fence. Mommy needs to get us some carrots so we can feed them. I am sure their owner will like it if we feed them. They will never want to go home.

Last night after T-ball practice I got to see my friend Kenley. We rode our bikes and scooters together. I like to play with Kenley. I only get to see her at night or on the weekends. She goes to Primrose during the day while her mommy and daddy are at work. She has a big brother Nathan. He is in high school and he plays football. I bet he is really good too.

Well it is late and I need to go to bed. My throat has been hurting me the past few days. Mommy says we have to be careful to make sure I don't get strep throat. That's what Ian had. He had it 7 times in like 4 weeks. That's why he doesn't have his tonsils anymore. I don't want to have my tonsils out so I need to feel better.

Goodnight....talk to you soon!



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